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sometimes I leave tabs open for entirely emotional reasons. |
Why have these been open for weeks? What does it say that I couldn't get rid of them? |
[flancian](#flancian) was asking after my admittedly hare-brained scheme to organize my notes by the [astrological houses](#astrological houses). the impetus is entirely [this](https://lesser.occult.institute/introducing-randomness-into-chaos-culture-oblique-strategies-and-tarot): |
> The thing that's really beautiful about [astrology](#astrology), about [Tarot](#tarot), about [palm-reading](#chiromancy): they have crystallized a way of looking at the world. Divide up all your concerns in life into weighted categories, please. How will you do it? What is the [Huffman encoding](#huffman coding) of your life?[^information] |
If it were me, an embarrassing thing to admit is that I could probably devote one whole twelfth to The Explaining of Systems, as with whiteboarded box and line graphs, or awkwardly non-linear emails. |
In a sense, divination is a way of reminding me to not weight these concerns too heavily: family, travel, partnership, romance, money, friends... each of these has its slice of the medieval sky. Intellectual concerns, work success, they have lines on the palm, stars and houses-but their part of the distribution is limited. The transient metrics that can define my day at work are nowhere to be found: Latency is not given a Tarot card, nor CPU utilization a planet in the sky. |
Anybody else feel like [johnny decimal](https://johnnydecimal.com/) would require way too much... idk, commitment? I guess now I have the bash skills to rearrange things if necessary. |
[^information]: I'll also here note that it is one of the great sorrows of my time as a CS student that [information theory](#information theory) was given such short shrift. |
[^shrift]: I'll also also here note that the expression "short shrift" comes from not giving someone decently long enough to confess their sins to receive absolution before executing them. This seems macabre in a way I imagine Baudelaire or Rimbaud or one of them would have gotten a kick out of. |