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ubuntu 3 years ago
2 changed files with 60 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +40
      olga khazan on slack and remote
  2. +20
      reddit on official priestly roles in ancient

+ 40
- 0
olga khazan on slack and remote View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: "annotation of the joy of using slack for remote work - the atlantic"
layout: post
category: responses
tags: annotation
replyto: ""
date: "2022-01-29T05:48:35.749610+00:00"
hypothesislink: ""
> ...nd no one cares how I’m sitting. <em>Of course, I still want my colleagues to like me, so I still bend a knee to gender norms. I simply say what needs to be said in [Slack](#slack), throw in an exclamation point and a nice [emoji](#emoji), and call it a day. It’s much easier to perform your gender with a dancing penguin than by “power posing” or whatever.</em> And best of all, Slack breaks t...
The technological facilitation of gender performance -- will this raise the bar for us all, though?
> ...ave to think about any of that.” <em>Women are often punished for not behaving gently and communally. But on the internet, nobody knows you’re a bitch.</em> “One thing that women need to d...
I am dead sure the author is justifiedly proud of this sentence.
> ...ways welcome in digital spaces. <em>When the audience is large and unregulated, women can feel shut down, harassed, or ignored, says Susan Herring, an Indiana University professor who researches gender and digital communication. But in situations where a teacher or a boss is reading what people say—like a classroom discussion group or a workplace Slack channel—people are more likely to be civil.</em> Some women and members of margin...
Also -- receipts!
> ...oid speaking for a few minutes. <em>(It’s also much more obvious when you are stifling your anger in person than when you are typing and deleting draft Slack messages. I typically do this in an offline text file to avoid the ominous “Olga is typing.”)</em> But the effect is that by writi...
Oh, *Maya is typing*. Maya can be typing for eight minutes for a single syllable answer. That's communication, baby.
> ...t work are disingenuous anyway. <em>Do you really care how that person’s weekend was?</em> Is someone telling you that the...
...yes? Is this level of human interest really that hard for people?
> ...eople are unpleasant in person. <em>To me, getting terse edits in Google Docs is preferable to the time an old-fashioned editor sat me down, looked at my draft, looked at me, and said soberly, “Words matter.”</em> I am not suggesting that anyone ...
I wish scabies on this person.

+ 20
- 0
reddit on official priestly roles in ancient View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: "annotation of r/askhistorians - comment by u/silas_of_the_lambs on ”what were the distinctions between magistrates, priests, & augurs during the roman republic?”"
layout: post
category: responses
tags: annotation
replyto: ""
date: "2022-01-29T03:58:39.940462+00:00"
hypothesislink: ""
> ...ary career worth talking about. <em>The [flamen dialis](#flamen dialis), a priest specially dedicated to [Jupiter](#jupiter), could never leave Rome for more than one night and could never touch [iron](#iron) or ride a horse, and he could never attain the high office of consul. </em>However, members of the college ...
Has anyone ever written fiction about a person in this position?
> ...ontifex Maximus or chief priest. <em>A magistrate could instead be an [augur](#augury), a different sort of religious functionary whose job was specifically the reading of Omens. In Roman society, practically every major public event was preceded by an augur doing some kind of thing to make sure the gods approved of whatever the event was. The two main ways of doing this were by examining the flight of birds and by [slaughtering an animal or bird and examining its entrails](#haruspicy). Doing this was important enough that we are aware of manuals and diagrams to show people how to do it correctly. As your quotation points out, an augur could in theory put a hard stop on substantially anything the Roman State attempted to do simply by claiming that the Omens were bad. Caesar's co-consul Bibulus used this technique (as a magistrate, per your source) on several occasions to try to block Caesar's agenda, but was generally unsuccessful.</em> In sum, a magistrate was an elec...
[Devereaux](#bret devereaux) has emphasized this "are the gods okay with it??" religious orientation a lot -- I wonder how contemporary e.g. Slavic paganism compared.
