- I like the principle that I ought to be able to reach into some of the innards of anything that supports reflowing text.
- I [recently](#2022-01-16) made a user style for the [agora](#agora) because I thought it'd be a fun use for [Fern Text](https://djr.com/notes/junes-font-of-the-month-fern-text) and also the light theme wasn't loading anyway.
- One fun thing is that you don't have to worry about font size when they're not going over the network, so you can use whatever typefaces you have on hand.
- The *spirit* of user styles extends beyond fussy Firefox application data folder [CSS](#css), though. My "I hate you for not valuing my comfort enough to style this" [bookmarklet](#bookmarklets) for unstyled [HTML](#html) has the same energy.
- `javascript:(function()%7Bbs%20%3D%20document.getElementsByTagName(%22body%22)%5B0%5D.style%3Bbs.maxWidth%20%3D%20%2280ch%22%3Bbs.marginLeft%20%3D%20%22auto%22%3Bbs.marginRight%20%3D%20%22auto%22%3Bbs.lineHeight%20%3D%20%221.5%22%7D)()`