- annotated a [thing about someone's application of library science to their PKM system](https://hyp.is/x4jUeIkOEeyW_iv4gvChpA/forum.obsidian.md/t/cataloging-classification-information-science-pkms-and-you/10071). I'm always cheered to see the application of information science to anything close to my world...
- they discuss the [dewey decimal system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dewey_Decimal_classes#Class_600_%E2%80%93_Technology) noting that it's nice that people are pivoting away from it, but independently of its creator's Problematic Status and the nonsensical imbalances of its categories, I have a deep emotional attachment to it -- spending a lot of my childhood stomping over to 636 to find books about animals, sidling over to 133 (a risky thing for a child [in that circumstance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Ground,_Washington)) to look for books on Witch Stuff, vast amounts of time and effort prompted by 745...
- thinking about how to share the annotations here made me want to list some [open agora questions](#open agora questions) I have.
- anyway, following the thing I wrote about tarot cards I'm now wondering if I could tag my different stuff with [astrological houses](#astrological houses). wouldn't *that* be fun? "[The] Hemoroids, the Stone, Strangury, Poysons, and Bladder are ruled by [the eighth] house", after all.