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  1. from [eprecipice](https://twitter.com/EPrecipice/status/1485973203805683717) [via](https://kottke.org/22/01/think-about-the-donuts-of-your-day) [kottke](#jason kottke):
  2. > When talking about our agendas for the day, I told my 5yo I was a little nervous about a meeting I have today. He said, “Mama, I am nervous all the time. I know what to do.” So friends, here is all the advice he could fit into the drive to school:
  3. > 1. “You gotta say your affirmations in your mouth and your heart. You say, ‘I am brave of this meeting!’ , ‘I am loved!’, ‘I smell good!’ And you can say five or three or ten until you know it.”
  4. > 2. “You gotta walk big. You gotta mean it. Like Dolly on a dinosaur. Because you got it.”
  5. > 3. “Never put a skunk on a bus.”
  6. > 4. “Think about the donuts of your day! Even if you cry a little, you can think about potato chips!”
  7. > 5. “You gotta take a deep breath and you gotta do it again.”
  8. > 6. “Even if it’s a yucky day, you can get a hug.”
  9. > Extra addition from this afternoon: “Don’t get distracted and your feet will stay on the sidewalk and not too full of snow.”