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  1. [this](http://wildfoodsandmedicines.com/douglas-fir/) alludes to:
  2. > Larger female cones are on the same tree, hang down, look woody, and have 3-pronged bracts that resemble the tail and rear feet of a [mouse](#mice). In a common [Salish](#salish) story, a long time ago, mice were running from a fire and dove into Douglas fir cones to find refuge, where they became eternally stuck.
  3. recommends making [tea](#tisanes) or [sun tea](#sun tea) for [hydration](#hydration)
  4. [infused](#infused honey) [honey](#honey), [infused](#infused vinegars) [vinegar](#vinegar), [tinctures](#tinctures), and [syrups](#syrup).
  5. I wonder if the honey would taste too medicinal? Conversely, might be very very nice when sick.
  6. People [pickle spruce tips](https://foragerchef.com/sprucefir-tip-pickles/)....