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  1. [let's share what we know - world wide web](https://portable.fyi/#2021-05-21-let-s-share-what-we-know)
  2. Thinking about some conversation from the [agora discuss](#agora discuss) channel. What is the value of automatic [licensing](#licenses) for text?
  3. I think there is a nice spirit in the idea of imbuing everything you do with sharing, as [neil](#@neil) noted. That isn't without value.
  4. But I want someone to come and ask me if they want to do something with my words. I want that connection, I think. [m15o](#m15o) emailed me when they started [nightfall city](https://nightfall.city/dusks-end/) to see if my feed could be added and it was great.
  5. I have [zines](#zines) that I don't want digitalized. A physical object going from one person to another -- an envelope, a proximity, a hand-to-hand -- it seems important to the thing. Maybe this is a little like that. I probably need to think about it more.
  6. There are kinds of aggregation, indexing, etc. that I might in strict terms need to explicitly license to enable, and that I might want to encourage -- what are they?
  7. Tomorrow the first concert since [covid](#covid-19). I wonder if it'll feel strange to be there.