.md for great justice!
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  1. today is a day for best effort and gentle improvement. writing a self-review for work always makes me want to unalive myself (even when I think I'm doing well???) so we're not being real ambitious outside of getting that done (well, besides all the normal work nonsense).
  2. hope I have time to paint this evening.
  3. r/zerowaste has neat suggestions for [less wasteful alternatives for party favors](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroWaste/comments/s67iau/bachelorette_party_swag/).
  4. what do people do instead of leggings that's not [polyester](#polyester)?
  5. I continue to want a lefty equivalent to the work of [robert putnam](#robert putnam), looking at [his new book](https://bookshop.org/books/the-upswing-how-america-came-together-a-century-ago-and-how-we-can-do-it-again-9781982129156/9781982129156). building little communities that aren't toxic seems so, so important but I don't trust the man